How we got started…

How we got started…

Dec 20

🇯🇲 High quality Wildcrafted Jamaican sea moss. 🇯🇲

Imagine looking for a suitable formula for your one year old daughter and only options being either dairy or soy based, 😫. How Sway? It was an impossible decision.

After diving into a deep rabbit hole of research, we discovered a natural alternative called Irish moss, a.k.a. sea moss. Sea moss naturally contains 92 of the 102 minerals of the human body. We experimented with it and soon came up with our own sea moss based ‘milk’ formula that our baby actually liked a lot. The whole family enjoyed it.

We became more excited as we studied the history of Irish moss and the work of Dr. Sebi. Sea moss is naturally packed with minerals without any processing at all, it’s safe for all ages and can be used in a myriad of ways. Wow, say less! 

Our immediate thought was, man, all mommies should be aware of this. Then we thought, hell, everyone needs to know about this! And the rest is ourstory. Right then we began our mission which is to create a superior quality line of self-care products with the same loving energy that we had when we made it for our baby. ❤️💯

5 ways to start your day right with nutritious sea moss!